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running | hiking | mountain walking | trail walking | everyday use| sneakers|

Merrell Trail Glove 5 Ltr are zero drop running and training shoes that provide very good ground contact. Many elements of this footwear are made of recycled materials.

Merrell Trail Glove 5 LTR men’s shoes are lifestyle shoes ideally suited for everyday use. They are characterized by the fact that they are perfectly made, and the material from which they are made is durable. They fit perfectly to the foot, making them very comfortable. Their lightness ensures comfort of wearing, and they are very fashionable. Thanks to this type of footwear, you will emphasize your style and ensure your comfort regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourself.
Merrell Trail Glove sneakers are chosen by people of all ages. They will undoubtedly be the perfect addition to elegant outfits as well as sports outfits.